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【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green Tea
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green Tea
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green
【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green Tea
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【NW Tea Concept】毛尖茉莉绿茶 Mao Jian Jasmine Green Tea

RM40.00 MYR
RM0.00 MYR
RM40.00 MYR 每项

【NW Tea Concept】立于2018年,专注于为茶爱好者提供优质且性价比高的六大茶类,严格把关茶叶品质,并致力于马来西亚茶文化教育推广工作,是一个以茶叶、文化和教育为经营核心的本地品牌。

NW Tea Concept was established in 2018 with a focus on providing tea enthusiasts with high-quality and affordable six major tea categories. The company strictly controls tea leaf quality and is dedicated to promoting tea culture education in Malaysia. NW Tea Concept is a local brand centered around tea, culture, and education.


Mao Jian, a renowned green tea variety characterised by its slender, needle-like leaves, undergoes a two-step jasmine scenting process. This results in tea with a delicate, smooth texture. The rich flavour of the green tea perfectly complements the sweet aroma of jasmine, creating a unique taste experience. It can be enjoyed hot or cold and is particularly suitable for those who spend long hours in front of a computer, offering benefits such as radiation protection, stress relief, and mood enhancement.


- 产品重量 Product Weight: 
   1. 散装茶叶 Loose-leaf tea:净重60克 Net weight 60g
   2. 茶包茶叶 Tea bags:净重45克(15袋)Net weight 45g (15 bags)
- 均包装于盒内。Both are packaged in boxes.

- 原产国家 Country of origin:中国广西横县 Hengxian County, Guangxi Province, China
- 茶叶分类 Tea classification:绿茶类·茉莉花窨制 Jasmine Green Tea
- 茶叶等级 Tea grade:一级 Grade 1


- 西马运费为RM7,东马运费为RM15
  Shipping to West Malaysia is RM 7 and East Malaysia is RM 15
- 不限重量,如订单总数额超过RM400即可享受免邮福利。No weight limit. Enjoy free shipping for orders above RM400.