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【璞原 PuYuan】復古新年禮盒 Vintage Lunar New Year Gift
【璞原 PuYuan】復古新年禮盒 Vintage Lunar New Year Gift
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【璞原 PuYuan】復古新年禮盒 Vintage Lunar New Year Gift

RM88.00 MYR
RM0.00 MYR
Only 50 left
Volume Pricing
RM88.00 MYR each

【璞原 PuYuan】 是一家倡导注重养生和品味生活的品牌, 以“返璞归真, 原味为先”为宗旨,结合天然馈赠与匠心制作,打造出养生与美味为一体的保健养生品。
Pu Yuan is a brand that advocates health care and embraces having a good life. They aspire to focus on original flavours and going back to the basics by combining nature’s gifts and their craftmanship to create health care products that prioritises health and delicious flavours.

- 檸檬玫瑰膏 Lemon Rose Tea Paste
- 酸梅湯 Sour Plum Drink

1. 檸檬玫瑰膏 Lemon Rose Tea Paste
- 重量Net Weight: 350g
- 功效Benefits:
◇ 清熱解毒 Clears heat and detoxifies the body
◇ 潤膚養顏Improves skin hydration and promotes a healthy complexion
◇ 舒緩壓力Relieves stress and promotes relaxation
◇ 促進消化Aids in digestion and alleviates bloating
- 原料 Ingredients: 檸檬、玫瑰花瓣、老黃糖 Lemon, Rose Petals, Yellow Rock Sugar
- 沖泡方式 Preparation Method:取 2-3 茶匙檸檬玫瑰膏,加入 250 毫升溫水,攪拌均勻後即可飲用。 Take 2-3 teaspoons of Lemon Rose Tea Paste, mix with 250ml of warm water, stir well, and enjoy.

2. 酸梅湯 Sour Plum Drink
- 包裝Packaging:茶包裝,共 8 包,每包 15 克 Tea bag packaging, 8 tea bags/box, 15g/bag.
- 功效Benefits:
◇ 生津止渴 Relieves thirst and promotes saliva secretion
◇ 調理腸胃 Regulates the stomach and intestines, aids in digestion
◇ 抗氧化 Rich in antioxidants, which combat free radicals
◇ 清熱消暑 Reduces heat and prevents heatstroke
- 原料 Ingredients:烏梅、甘草、山楂、桑椹、洛神花、陳皮 Smoked Plum, Licorice Root, Hawthorn, Mulberry, Roselle, Aged Peel
- 沖泡方式 Preparation Method:取 1 個茶包,加入 500 毫升熱水,悶泡約 10 分鐘,即可飲用。 Place 1 tea bag in 500ml of hot water, let steep for about 10 minutes, and enjoy.

*纯天然原料制成 ,不添加色素, 香料, 果胶, 防腐剂等化学添加。Made using natural ingredients with no added chemical additives such as pigments, flavours, pectins and preservatives

- 西马运费为RM10,东马运费为RM25