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【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
【璞原 PuYuan】
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【璞原 PuYuan】滋养茶汤 Nourishing & Beauty Tea

RM25.00 MYR
RM0.00 MYR
Only 39 left
Volume Pricing
RM25.00 MYR each

【璞原 PuYuan】 是一家倡导注重养生和品味生活的品牌, 以“返璞归真, 原味为先”为宗旨,结合天然馈赠与匠心制作,打造出养生与美味为一体的保健养生品。

Pu Yuan is a brand that advocates health care and embraces having a good life. They aspire to focus on original flavours and going back to the basics by combining nature’s gifts and their craftmanship to create health care products that prioritises health and delicious flavours.


Crafted with pure, natural ingredients, our Nourishing & Beauty Tea offers a holistic approach to wellness. Enjoy benefits such as revitalised hair and eyes, improved circulation, promote liver function and relieve stress, lighten dark spots and diminish wrinkles, calmed mind and improved sleep, strengthen liver and kidney health, enhance beauty and improve skin complexion, as well as antioxidant effects. From promoting youthful skin to boosting energy levels, our tea is your daily dose of self-care. Relax and rejuvenate with daily nourishment, unlocking your inner radiance.

饮用方式 Brewing instructions:

- 热水焖泡10分钟后即可饮用。Steep it in hot water for 10 minutes before drinking.

功效 Benefit:

- 养发明目| 滋阴活血|疏肝解郁|淡斑抗皱|安神助眠|补肝益肾|美容养颜|抗氧抗衰
   Calming the mind and liver, enhancing natural beauty and promoting youthful skin, promoting dark hair and improving vision, providing antioxidant benefits, reducing inflammation, and combating aging.


- 净含量 Net Content:10g x 10 包/pack
- 原料 Ingredients:洛神花,黑枸杞,桑葚,金边玫瑰 Roselle, Black goji berry, Mulberry fruit, Golden rose

*纯天然原料制成 ,不添加色素, 香料, 果胶, 防腐剂等化学添加。Made using natural ingredients with no added chemical additives such as pigments, flavours, pectins and preservatives.

- 保存期限 Shelf Life:一年 1 year
- 幼儿/孕妇不适于该产品。 This product is not recommended for use by infants or pregnant women 
- 保存建议 Recommended storage:常温下存放于阴凉干燥处。 Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature. Refrigerate after opening.


- 西马运费为RM8,东马运费为RM15
  Shipping to West Malaysia is RM 8, East Malaysia is RM 15
- 商品从发货到送达一般需3至7天,具体时间视乎各运输公司而定。Please allow 3 to 7 business days for your order to arrive. Delivery times may be affected by the shipping carrier and your location.
- 此商品的运送服务涵盖全马各地。We ship this product anywhere in Malaysia.