【新煮艺 Mifood】是由Astro 欢喜厨神Chef Ivan Tan (陈政赐)所创立的一家主打即食料理包的餐饮品牌。
【新煮艺 Mifood】所推出的即食料理精致、健康又极简,解决了现代人因过于繁忙而不便下厨的困扰。
这个农历新年,【新煮艺 MiFood】推出的《横财就手》现已在《大日子》网店上架!
【新煮艺 Mifood】《横财就手》一包
- 重量 Weight: ± 1.5kg
- 材料 Ingredients: 新鲜猪手、生抽、冰糖、天然香料、发菜、栗子、姜、味精 Fresh Pork Knuckle, Soy Sauce, Lump Sugar, Natural Spices, Dried Black Moss, Chestnut, Ginger, Monosodium Glutamate
- 适合人数 Serves: 4-6人享用/people
- 不含防腐剂 No Preservatives
- 保质期 Shelf Life: 常温保存18个月 18 months at room temperature
- 贮藏方法 Storage Method: 常温保存,或存放于阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射。 Store at room temperature, or store in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight.
食用方法 Serving Instructions: 烧开一锅热水,整包放进锅内加热20分钟即可打开食用。 Boil a pot of water, place the entire package in the pot, and heat for 20 minutes before opening and serving.
温馨提示 Kindly Reminder:
- 切勿直接将铝箔袋放入微波炉加热,以免因热胀爆裂。
Do not directly put the aluminum foil bag into the microwave oven to heat, as it may burst due to thermal expansion.
- 产品开袋后请立即食用。如发现产品包装破损、漏气、鼓起或产品气味异常,请勿食用。
Please eat the product immediately after opening the bag. Do not eat the product if the package is damaged, leaking, swollen, or if the product has an abnormal smell.
- 产品经过杀菌处理,符合商业无菌要求,可在常温保存。
The product is sterilized to meet commercial sterility requirements and can be stored at room temperature.
- 由品牌厂商直接配送,产品将在2025年1月10日发货,售完即止。
- 此商品仅限西马地区提供配送服务。
- 西马冷冻运费为 RM30。