【NW Tea Concept】立于2018年,专注于为茶爱好者提供优质且性价比高的六大茶类,严格把关茶叶品质,并致力于马来西亚茶文化教育推广工作,是一个以茶叶、文化和教育为经营核心的本地品牌。
NW Tea Concept was established in 2018 with a focus on providing tea enthusiasts with high-quality and affordable six major tea categories. The company strictly controls tea leaf quality and is dedicated to promoting tea culture education in Malaysia. NW Tea Concept is a local brand centered around tea, culture, and education.
Our Xiang Ming Jasmine Green Tea undergoes a two-step scenting process, resulting in a subtle jasmine aroma. However, the rich flavour of the green tea is more pronounced, with a hint of chestnut and bean. Whether hot or iced, this tea provides a comforting and refreshing experience, making it the perfect companion for long hours at the computer. Its anti-radiation properties and stress-relieving benefits make it a soothing choice.
- 产品重量 Product Weight:
1. 散装茶叶 Loose-leaf tea:净重60克 Net weight 60g
2. 茶包茶叶 Tea bags:净重45克(15袋)Net weight 45g (15 bags)
- 均包装于盒内。Both are packaged in boxes.
- 原产国家 Country of origin:中国广西横县 Hengxian County, Guangxi Province, China
- 茶叶分类 Tea classification:绿茶类·茉莉花窨制 Jasmine Green Tea
- 茶叶等级 Tea grade:一级 Grade 1
- 西马运费为RM7,东马运费为RM15
Shipping to West Malaysia is RM 7 and East Malaysia is RM 15
- 不限重量,如订单总数额超过RM400即可享受免邮福利。No weight limit. Enjoy free shipping for orders above RM400.